I have lived in Jefferies Avenue now for 14 years, and during that time I have not seen the street swept.

During wet periods it's an absolute mess because the leaves are just left to rot.

The Wheeler Avenue/Jefferies Avenue area does not suffer from travellers coming in and leaving rubbish. We suffer from a council that does not put residents first.

We read in the Advertiser that councillors need computers to help them do their jobs but, I am sorry to say, they first require eyes to see what needs doing.

Our council representative lives in Wheeler Avenue. If she can't see the problems the mess causes then there is no hope for us at all.

If they intend raising the council tax, then it's time we had something for our money.

I think many of the councillors have gone past their sell-by date and should step aside for the younger members to have a go.

The Headlands Grove, Wheeler Avenue and Jefferies Avenue area is a disgrace to the town and needs a regular sweep-up to bring it up to standard.

V J Baxter

Jefferies Avenue, Swindon