WHEN viewed against the countless benefits our inclusion into the common market has brought us, the rage being shown by Mr Blunkett at having had his stowaway fines on drivers and truck seizures outlawed by the courts seems churlish in the extreme.

We do, after all, have all Europe's unwanted immigrants shipped to us with the compliments of France to bolster our economy, and our politicians now enjoy freedom from all responsibility and decision-making thanks to Brussels.

Likewise, with little or nothing left of our farming industry and all our fishing long since carried out by Spain and our other partners together with Greece supplying our plane spotters with accommodation all fears should be put to rest.

On the other hand, if Mr Blunkett is so concerned about the influx of so many would-be immigrants, the answer is to take a leaf out of the French dockers' and lorry drivers' book and brook no hindrance from anyone in the process.

This amounts to closing the Chunnel and the channel ports until his message finally gets through to France and the rest of the EU.


Beech Avenue
