IT MUST be a tricky job editing the letters page of the Evening Advertiser.

After all unless you were to write the letters yourself, which I'm sure as a reputable paper the Advertiser would never consider, you can only put in what is sent to you.

It must be almost as repetitive to edit as to read letters from the usual suspects. I'm sure regular readers will know what I mean by the "usual suspects".

There are some people who have an axe to grind and I have to say quite honestly, as someone who has been politically active, reading their letters can be repetitive and frustrating even if you agree with their opinions.

So I write this letter for four reasons:

1. To ask readers to write to the Evening Advertiser about something that is important to you. It might just be important to the rest of us too. Personally, I particularly like the letters that say thank you. There's always such misery in the news, it's great to hear that there are so many kind-hearted and hardworking people in our community. It is also wonderful that there are so many people who very much appreciate this goodness of spirit.

2. Secondly, if you are one of the usual suspects, and you know who you are, have a nice long lovely rest over the festive season. Put your feet up. Enjoy yourself. Of course your opinions are important and we have all had the benefit of your wisdom on a number of occasions. Thank you.

3. Thirdly, if you are a usual suspect, who happens to be a lady in Wroughton who uses your mother's maiden name, please do have the courage of your convictions.

Mrs E Fell is not on the electoral register or in the phone book. Why not stand for election? You clearly have something to contribute. But you might find it harder to do than to attack.

I've done it and I have to say I don't envy anyone who has to make the very difficult and sometimes very unpleasant decisions necessary to balance a local authorities budget.

Go on, go for it! Say it loud and say it proud, "I am the real Mrs E Fell and I claim my right to stand for democratic election." Good luck. Most political parties would welcome an activist, but if you don't fancy any of them (and your letter of December 13 suggests that perhaps you don't) there are plenty of precedents for independent councillors.

4. Lastly, I would like to say thank you for all those who work in public service, whether you are a hard pressed social worker, a tired health service worker, a harassed teacher (yes, I'm a teacher too), an exhausted local government officer or even a local councillor (OK, I recognise I might be in the minority on this one).

You are appreciated, you do work hard and many people appreciate your work.

What ever your faith or convictions I hope you get a chance for a rest and to enjoy your friends and family over the next few weeks.

Thank you for printing my letter. I'll try not to write again next week!


Dixon Street
