THERE have been a fair amount of news articles and comments in the Evening Advertiser over the past few weeks, regarding Christmas and the season of goodwill.

The first news article I noticed with regard to the season of goodwill, was when the Evening Advertiser highlighted the fact that many of the businesses and shops in town refused to donate any money towards the funding of the town's Christmas decorations.

There was then a plethora of news articles and letters from the business fraternity and local shop owners, who were left seething with anger and displeasure, that anyone should dare accuse them of being skinflints and money-grabbing misers.

They then turned their anger towards the council, accusing them of not doing enough to help local shops and businesses in the town, so why should they help fund their decorations?

Well, as the council, shop owners and local businesses, continue to be embroiled in their hostilities towards each other, it gets me thinking, how much goodwill will they share-out with the local shoppers and their employees?

From what I can gather from these shenanigans, the answer is very little or not at all, as business is business and money is money.

However, you can bet a silver sixpence, to a spoonful of Christmas pudding, that the majority of shops will be open on Boxing Day, with their January sales in full swing and the Easter confectionery on the shelves.

The true spirit of Christmas has been exploited into the past and I now wholeheartedly agree with Scrooge, that Christmas is a poor excuse to rob a man's pocket every December 25.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.


Park Lane
