I WAS very interested to read Ken Rogers' letter. It is to say the least disappointing that to date all protests over the proposed resiting of the County Record Office have fallen on deaf ears.

Times may have changed since I worked at County Hall, but the Record Office was then a very important and integral part of the complex.

From time to time it was necessary to examine ancient maps or documents, but we were in easy reach of our desk and could be soon back in the office should the need arise.

At other times these documents might be required for longer periods of research or as Mr Rogers says, copies of minutes at short notice for research prior to committee.

Travelwise is always encouraging us to leave our cars at home. Is the county council practising what it preaches? Instead of a five-minute walk across Bythesea Road, officers will instead have a round trip of 22-miles or so to Devizes all adding up to increased mileage and wasted man-hours.

Mr Chalke might also like to be reminded that there are some 270 rural parishes in the county, many in quite remote parts.

It is very doubtful whether they will all have access to the improved bus services promised. Trowbridge has good road and perhaps even more importantly rail connections which Devizes doesn't have.


Horse Road,

Hilperton Marsh.