On March 16 I attended a live show at the Psychic Pig. The opening two bands (Lightside and Equilibrium) had a fairly good sound.

The closing band and, incidentally, the band that most people had turned up to see (Dollie) however, seemed to be the victims of a strange bias on the part of the sound engineers who constantly changed the sound to make it sound 'better' when in fact they were merely fiddling with the sound levels so that it was impossible for the band to be heard properly (or hear themselves for that matter). I have been to all but three of Dollie's gigs since they formed two years ago and this is by far the worst sound I have heard at any of their shows.

George Damoulakis,



I recently went to a gig at the Psychic Pig in Trowbridge to watch three bands, Lightside, Equilibrium and Dollie.

Usually, gigs at the Pig are enjoyable affairs, but this time I feel something was wrong.

The sound for Lightside was great, and for Equilibrium the it was also very good. However, when Dollie came on stage, it seemed as if the sound was being fiddled with.

The Dollie boys, to their credit, played their hearts out for a long time, but after a while just became bored and decided to finish it.

I hope to see Dollie play again soon, but not at the Pig.

Doug Taylor,

Drynham Road,
