AS THE local elections approach, our pro-voting positive abstention party is trying to encourage people to abstain from voting in a quantifiable way.

This would be a positive way for voters in certain elections to tell political parties that the choice of candidates needs to be improved or their policies need to change, to satisfy the electorate.

Many people are asking for a "none of the above" box on ballot papers, as they have in some countries, to allow voters to express dissatisfaction if they wish.

To get around the lack of such a box, we established the No Candidate Deserves My Vote party last year.

Where we can field a candidate and muster the support of 10 voters, we can, in effect, offer this choice to electors.

If any reader is interested in being a candidate, or endorsing a candidate, please contact me.

Do not waste your vote.

If any reader would like to help in any way, please ring me on 01727 847370, email me at, or write to me at 8 Belmont Court, Belmont Hill, St Albans, Herts, AL1 1RB.

We also have a website:


Campaign for None of The Above
