It is important to remember not to tarnish everyone with the same brush.

No two people are the same, and, certainly, not all travellers are the same.

Unfortunately, however, some sections of the travelling community appear to hold little respect for the law by setting up illegal encampments on private or council land.

Therefore, any measures that can stop this happening in future are a good thing, if only to preserve the sanity of the established residents of the area.

Coun Pete Brown's idea of setting up earth mounds to protect sections of land is an interesting one, and will no doubt attract debate. He seems to think that by blocking off access to vehicles on vulnerable areas of land, the problem could be alleviated.

However, it appears a change in legislation of the type being called for by Julia Drown will be necessary if people parking illegally are to be moved on more quickly.

Either way, if the suggested plan does work, it could be £14,000 well spent.