ADULTS have even more chance to improve their basic skills thanks to a grant for Swindon and Wiltshire from the Department for Education and Skills.

The Wiltshire and Swindon Lifelong Learning Partner-ship has been given £25,750 over two years to recruit 'learning champions' from voluntary organisations in rural parts of Wiltshire.

The project will be similar to Swindon's Steps to Learning as volunteers will travel through Wiltshire letting people know what opportunities are open to them and recruiting new students.

It will focus on helping people improve their basic skills. The cash comes from a £326,000 government grant for adult learning in the South West.

Minister for Adult Skills John Healey said: "All these projects will provide more learning opportunities for people within their own communities.

"The Adult and Community Learning Fund provides money for innovative, accessible local activities that encourage people to develop their skills and make a contribution to their community.

"Learning in this way can be fun and make a real difference to people's lives."