Swindon Cage Bird Society: Further to our letter in connection with tracing our history.

We have now established that the inaugural meeting was held in the Mechanics Institute on Wednesday, November 28, 1906. A Mr J Edmunds was elected secretary, with a committee of Messrs Hopkins, Bendell, Greenwood, Pool, Bywaters and Heavens. The first AGM was held on January 1, 1908 at the same venue, when Mr W Greenwood was elected as chairman, with Mr E Allsop secretary and Mr F Burson as treasurer. There were 32 paid up members, and a balance in hand of £5-3s-4d.

We are very grateful to a Mrs Phillips and Mr and Mrs Ken Smith for providing newspaper articles and photographs. A Mr Clive Roynan of Pontypool in South Wales supplied us with a lot of valuable information.

If there are any relatives of the pioneers of our society who may have any further information, we would be happy to hear from them.

We are holding an open show on October 12 this year, at the Jennings Street Community Centre in Rodbourne. We would be delighted to see visitors. We meet at 8pm on the third Friday of every month at the Queen's Park Centre in Euclid Street, Swindon. For details phone Ron on 831169.

Ron Denham

Weedon Road, Swindon