WILTSHIRE County Council's Cabinet has approved plans to implement recommendations made by Government Ofsted inspectors in a recent report on its local education authority (LEA).

The action plan sets out how the report's 33 recommendations will be addressed.

The three key recommendations pinpoint the need for a comprehensive strategy for special educational needs, the need for continuing development of a pupil database and improvements to information and communication technology.

Cabinet member for education Jane Scott said: "While I am pleased that Ofsted found the LEA's strengths outweighed its weaknesses their report highlighted areas that we need to work on.

"Work is already underway on many of the recommendations and most will be implemented within a year. I am confident, as the Ofsted inspectors were, that we have the talented people and capacity to make these changes."

The LEA is developing a plan for the provision of special educational needs teaching across the county.

Along with this the LEA will also draw up an inclusion policy and strategy. Both of these tasks will involve working closely with the Special Educational Needs Forum, a representative group of parents, schools, voluntary and statutory groups.