THE subject of food is on the table when members of Wiltshire Federation of Women's Institutes attend their annual general meeting in Brighton in June.

High on the agenda will be the closure of local abattoirs and food imports.

Spokesman Pat Rodger said: "Great concern is expressed about the continuing closures, particularly of local small abattoirs, whilst asking the Government to support the re-establishment of local abattoirs in order to minimise stress to animals, reduce the risk and spread of disease and to encourage the availability of locally produced meat."

After a debate this month two coaches of WI delegates will be travelling to Brighton when, as well as discussion and votes on issues, the WI constitution will be updated.

Mrs Rodger added: "Those who travel to countries such as New Zealand, Australia and USA have cited the stricter controls which exist in those countries."

Many WI members feel that a stricter code should be in force for food imports because of the implications for animal, plant and human health.