UPPER Avon School, Durrington, has been awarded a national Sportsmark award from Sport England.

The award recognises the school's commitment to physical education and sports.

Headteacher Rowena Brookes said: "News of the award has given the school a real sense of achievement. PE and sports have always had a high priority at Upper Avon but this recognition by Sport England gives us a special credibility we can shout about.

"I believe we must continue to reinforce the benefits of keeping active and fit to our young people, as they are the next generation and sport is a key building block for a healthy adult life."

The school receives a plaque and certificate to display, together with a copy of the British Heart Foundation's Active School resource pack.

Sportsmark is valid for three years. It is given to schools which demonstrate that they have effective policies and practices for the provision of a well-balanced physical education programme during school hours and after school.