MELKSHAM and District Ladies Dart League (Thursday night mix league) invites any dart team from the Devizes area to join its league teams.

Teams consist of five players, of which three have to be ladies, but you can if you wish enter an all- ladies' team in the league.

League games are made up of five games of singles. The best of three legs of 301 double in and double out.

Then two games of doubles the best of three legs of 501 double in and double out.

Two ladies can play together in the doubles or a man and a lady but not two men.

There is no bust-rule play in the league. The whole idea of the league is to have a sociable night out and a good game of darts.

The season starts about first or second week of September and finishes about May. The AGM of the league will be held at Melksham Labour Club on August 22 at 8pm.

If you would like to enter a team or get more information telephone me on (01225) 709430 or (01225) 896492.


Melksham and District

Ladies Dart League