WORK on a new £15,000 skateboard park in Sherston could start within six weeks.

This week, the parish council submitted a planning application for the park, which will be on the village sports field in Knockdown Road, away from houses.

Coun John Thomson, who represents the village on Wiltshire County Council, said if all goes well the application could be processed within six weeks.

"We have done all the research and all the reports are ready, now we need the right result from the district council," he said.

Coun Thomson said a noise consultant had advised Sherston Parish Council and concluded the park would not cause problems.

He said the parish council had applied to get ramps from the controversial Monkton Park skateboard park in Chippenham and is waiting to hear from the district council. The wood and metal ramps in Chippenham are being replaced by concrete ones.

The Sherston skatepark has been financed through an £8,500 grant from North Wiltshire District Council, with the rest made up by the parish council. Coun Thomson said the ramps from Chippenham would save the council £30,000.