TOP event rider David Green and his wife, Jacky, have been through every parent's worst nightmare of having a child go missing.

For more than 24 hours, the couple from Ogbourne St George endured the agony of not knowing the whereabouts of their teenage daughter.

Police said 14-year-old Charlotte Frampton, Mrs Green's daughter, went missing from home on Tuesday after a family disagreement and had been spotted in Marlborough town centre.

Police said a telephone call 'from an unknown location' was received by a friend of Charlotte's on Wednesday afternoon, and hours later she returned to Marlborough to be reunited with her family.

Australian Mr Green has been a top eventer for more than 20 years, riding at major events including the Olympics, Badminton and winning at Gatcombe. He has two children from his earlier marriage to the international rider Lucinda Prior-Palmer.

Mrs Green, who he married in 1998, said she would rather not comment on her daughter's disappearance and added: "She is safe and well, that is all there is to say."