SCHOOL children shared 138 tubes of Smarties as charity organisers launched the Dotty Day appeal.

Every child at Winsley Primary School was given the sweets by Dorothy House community fundraising co-ordinator, Helen Francis.

She asked the pupils to fill the empty tubes with coins to raise money for the hospice.

Nestle at Staverton has donated 480 tubes of Smarties to the Dotty Day appeal, encouraging children to use the sweets in inventive ways, such as decorating cakes or playing tiddlywinks with them, before they are used for fundraising.

Other supporters of Dorothy House are being asked to go 'dotty, spotty or just plain potty' on June 14 for the charity.

Last year supporters held cake stalls, went on a sponsored walk and had a toy sale.

For a dotty day fundraising pack, please telephone (01225) 721481.

If you would like free Smarties for a fundraising event call Helen Francis on (01225) 722988.