PATRICK Broderick has single-handedly collected a small fortune on the strength of his feet.

The 34-year-old sandwich packer from Upper Stratton raised a record-breaking £1,600 on the 10-mile Tony Long Wheelchair Marathon and sponsored walk.

The annual event, named after its founder Tony Long, is run by North Wiltshire's Rotary Club.

This year, it started from RAF Fairford, and raised money in aid of the Prospect Hospice appeal and the TADSA Housing Trust.

Patrick said: "The secret to my success is persistence and determination.

"It is all about collecting sponsorship with a smile."

Patrick has been completing the walk for the past nine years and has managed to raise more than £10,000.

This year his sponsorship form boasted more than 400 names, including family, friends and work colleagues.

Participants are free to run walk or wheel but Patrick has his own unique technique.

"My trick is to run and trot, run and trot. Once I find a rhythm, there is no stopping me."

Budding athletes have raised more than £150,000 for local charities since it first began 19 years ago.