I MOST certainly agree with R N Derbyshire's letter Friday, July 5, headed 'Clamp down on tax dodgers.'

As I have stated many times in the past on this page, unless the law concerning vehicle tax discs has been rescinded, it should be enforced by those who are paid by us the council tax payer.

The law says a valid tax disc must be displayed on the nearside of the windscreen at all times.

If not then a fixed penalty ticket should be given. So why don't Swindon police do this?

We all know their answer so I will not waste time giving it, we've heard it all before.

Rodbourne is described as the westward Bermuda Triangle. Why? Because our beat bobbys are seen about three times and then they suddenly disappear without trace.

The police are always asking us for information, so I would say to the public, do just that, phone the police if you see a vehicle that is breaking the law. They might not like it but you are only doing your public duty by reporting the offending vehicle.


Deburgh Street
