STAFF and pupils at Langley Fitzurse School only wore half their school uniform for a Wrong Trousers day, last week.

They had to wear normal uniform from the waist up, but for a small fee they donned outlandish trousers on their bottom halves.

Ten-year-old Hayden Bennett took the Wrong Trousers theme literally, and spent a week tailoring a replica of the hi-tech pantaloons sported by inventor Wallace in the film of the same name.

"He looked fantastic," said head teacher Lynn Evans, who wore a pair of her brother's shredded jeans.

The day was in aid of Bristol Children's Hospital, which is raising money to build accommodation for 37 parents to stay with their sick children.

At a special assembly the children were told about the hospital's work and were told the story of a little girl called Sophie, whose parents stayed with her at the hospital, when she contracted meningitis.

"We heightened their awareness that they are lucky and that if they need help the hospital can help them," she added,

The theme continued throughout the day, with a literacy exercise and a maths exercise about how much material is needed to make a pair of trousers and how much it would cost.