I HAVE seen all the negative comments about Pinehurst Junior School. I and my husband truly support Mr Hobbs and the school in deciding to participate in this keep healthy exercise.

My son goes to this school and now eats apples and bananas every day. Before, when we asked if he would like to take fruit to school he would always say no not because he didn't like fruit, more because he had the choice in school. The fact that all the other children took chocolate and crisps made him feel he had to do the same, as he did not want to be picked on.

This new idea has been great because it has made it easier to pick a healthy snack and has also made him keep enjoying fruit.

Have parents gone mad, trying to stop something that is positive and healthy for their children? An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This is not so with crisps and chocolate.

Get real, people! All Mr Hobbs is trying to do is keep our children fit. Should we not be supporting this great idea, not taking the easy option? We should give our support and care as much for our children's health as it seems Pinehurst Junior School and Mr Hobbs do.

Mr and Mrs Biddle

Hawthorn Avenue
