Page 10 of the Wiltshire Times last week carried an article containing an assurance from the Environment Agency maintains that there is no detected health risk presented by the tyre burning at the Blue Circle cement factory at Westbury.

We are told that the Environment Agency carried out air quality monitoring in the area of Bratton and found no increase in the levels of dust, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide nor carbon monoxide.

Sorry, but as a resident of Devizes I don't find this statement either fully believable nor very reassuring.

From observation, I have seen that for a considerable number of days the wind blows the Westbury plume in the direction of Devizes and with Devizes being 'up on the hill' it is quite likely the first land contact the plume makes after it has left the stack at Westbury.

Surely common sense dictates that Devizes is where monitoring in depth should be occurring to assess if the fall out of the Westbury stack does contain excess noxious substances.

Perhaps this would offer an explanation for the dirty rain we were subject to during the night of June 14 and one evening during the week June 23-29?

Geoff Brewer BSc., MInstLM, S.A.C. Dip. (Clinical Nutrition),

Downlands Road,
