SWINDON'S Bishop wants to see more done to help Third World countries overcome poverty and inequality.

Bishop Michael Doe says the poverty and inequality faced by people living in many countries throughout the world is a scandal.

He will urge next Thursday's meeting of the Bristol Diocesan Synod to take a lead in the fight against poverty.

Bishop Michael will table a special motion at the meeting, which will be held at St Paul's Church in Covingham, Swindon. He will call on the Synod to align itself with Christian Aid and other members of the Trade Justice Campaign.

He said: "While 1.2 million people are struggling to survive each day on less than one dollar, three people control more wealth than the entire 600 million living in the world's poorest countries.

"International rules and practices that govern trade are biased in favour of the rich. Instead they could be giving special help to the weakest and most vulnerable. They must therefore be rewritten with poverty reduction and environmental protection recognised as their highest priorities."