IT has been a year of huge success for the Wiltshire and Swindon Economic Partnership.

Working to a 2001/2002 action plan, the organisation which was established in 1998 to promote the economic well-being of the area reports that, despite the poor global economic situation, four inward investments were achieved, creating or safeguarding 165 jobs and securing almost £5 million in expenditure.

Also, and again despite external economic conditions, more than 700 UK inward investment inquiries, nearly 20 investments and more than 40 relocations were directed to the Wiltshire and Swindon areas.

Other highlights included:

n 132 members joined two training networks in the area

n Hundreds of Army dependants attended a Job Fair in South Wiltshire

n Four market towns in the sub region Devizes, Marlborough, Melksham and Tidworth had received or were in line to receive a significant amount of external funding to address problems identified by the communities.

The organisation which is a joint public/private body chaired by John Cullum, recently retired President of Arval PHH also reports that the Swindon and Wiltshire Intelligence Network website is now running on, and this was providing access to lots of local data down to community area level.

Partnership chairman John Cullum said: "WSEP can be very proud of what they have achieved over the past year. Working together, in partnership, has brought huge benefits which could not have been achieved by individual organisations alone."