AS a parent of a Chiseldon School pupil I must object to the allegation that I am keeping quiet 'for fear' of my child being disadvantaged, the suggestion being this disadvantage would come from the school.

Quite the contrary is true. My silence is an attempt to minimise the fuss and thus smooth the path of the application through the labyrinth of building and planning procedures.

A sincere attempt to improve the working environment of my child has been thwarted by a genuine mistake the apology from the head teacher has been covered in your paper.

Naturally I would prefer permanent classrooms but funding was not available. At least this building offers much improved conditions to the former temporary buildings.

These, despite the best DIY efforts of staff, governors and parents from both the school and pre-school, were well past their useful life.

I would not presume to suggest what other parents think or fear.

I do know in the past the staff prepared my daughter brilliantly for secondary school.

And even without ideal accommodation my son is happy to attend this friendly, thriving school.


Hodson Road
