FARES for about 70 per cent of Swindon's bus users are to go up by 10p from Monday.

A shake-up of fares on Thamesdown Transport's Swindon services will also result in a 10p reduction in fares for about 30 per cent of passengers.

Thamesdown is reducing the number of Swindon travel zones from four to three and the move will increase revenue by 1.9 per cent for the bus firm.

Managing director John Owen said: "It's not just about raising revenue, it's about simplifying the system and speeding up buses by simplifying the fare scale."

Mr Owen explained how the move will affect passengers.

He said: "Some people will find their single fares increased by a maximum of 10p but others will see their fares reduced in price.

"All passengers paying the current £1.30 maximum fare will find it comes down by 10p.

"Some who now pay 80p and £1.10 single will see the cost of their journey go down to 60p and 90p respectively, a reduction of 20p.

"People in the outer areas of town will find that they can travel much farther for the minimum 60p single fare."

Details of how the changes to the fare structure affect your journey can be obtained by calling Swindon 428400.