JUST how stupid are the people who set council policy? It is perverse that the council can find £10,000 from reserves to fund an evening's entertainment for the BBC's children in need campaign, but consider it right and proper for an 11-year-old to walk five miles to school.

I suggest that before the council embarks on trying to make us all feel good after the events of the past year, it sorts out its priorities and attends to making sure Swindon's children in need are given proper support. I suggest that if council policy is not to provide a bus space for the 11-year-old, despite her father being prepared to pay for a space, then council policy is manifestly wrong.

The allegedly clever people at Tribal should tell their political masters to amend the policy rather than lamely accepting its presence in a document giving it legitimacy. Why is it that common sense is such a rare commodity within the Civic Offices?

Des Morgan

Caraway Drive
