I WAS saddened to read the criticism by Stuart Macpherson in your letters page of the Mayor's decision not to wear robes to normal council meetings.

I believe someone needs to answer some of the points he makes.

First and foremost Stan Pajak told me that becoming mayor in our town was the proudest moment of his life and considers it the greatest honour that he has ever received.

Each mayor has an element of individualism.

Stan chose not to wear the robes for the normal business council meetings but will introduce each meeting by giving citizen awards to the people of our town.

This makes the first focus of each meeting some of the wonderful people of our community. He will still wear the chains of office and the Borough Mace will remain in place.

The rest of the full council agenda is day to day business with councillors.

He will conduct it in a manner befitting the 21st century and the very real needs of our town.

The robes will, if anything, gain from the enhanced use for ceremonial purposes.

Significantly, he has probably used them more than is usually the case outside of meetings. Since becoming mayor in May he has worn them on eight occasions three church services, two freedom parades, two jubilee events and the Old Town Festival not bad for someone who doesn't understand the dignity of the office!

If his only crime to the traditionalists is not wearing a large red robe during normal business council meetings and trying to make Swindon people a focus of our meetings, then he pleads guilty.

It was Stan's personal decision to dispense with the robe and I was as surprised as everyone else was by it. I applaud his courage to separate the ceremonial from the business functions of his office.

When he wears his suit he is Councillor Stan Pajak, Mr Mayor, impartially chairing a council meeting to the best of his ability.

When he puts on his mayoral robe he becomes his Worshipful The Mayor who represents every person in Swindon. There is a difference and I would like to thank Stan for pointing it out to me.

Tel Hudson

Constituency Chair

Swindon Liberal Democrats

Tweed Close

Haydon Wick