How will Trowbridge ever get a cinema with like-minded people like Trowbridge mayor Andrew Bryant? (Letters, September 6).

I am absolutely disgusted that no councillor has seriously talked and reasoned with any prospected cinema contractor or developer to bring about a cinema complex.

To date there has been only talk and excuses. I would like to know exactly what sites have been proposed for a cinema location, what sites have had enquires made about them and exactly the reasons sites have been turned down. I am sure once the truth is known, the people of Trowbridge might get a cinema or at the very least a more detailed reason why we do not have one. Mr Brown's letter (Wiltshire Times, August 30) clearly points to other people having the same misgivings about the future of Trowbridge.

I hereby challenge Andrew Bryant to give me these answers or shall we have a public debate on why Trowbridge hasn't got a cinema? Is that so much to ask?

Andrew J Hungerford,

Rambler Close,
