A SUPERMARKET car park was transformed into a giant catwalk in the name of charity.

Asda Wal-Mart in Haydon Wick set the stage for a fashion show in aid of the Swindon Coalition of Disabled People.

More than 200 people watched the show, which involved 23 models dressed in George clothes, Asda's own fashion label.

Ann Morley, of Gorse Hill, helped organise the event, which was compered by Swindon FM DJ Shirley Ludford.

Mrs Morley, 59, said: "It was a magnificent job. A big marquee was put up in the car park and the whole thing went very well.

"The models were both disabled and able bodied, and included children too.

"We were organising it for a couple of months as there was so much to do. Clothes had to be altered to suit and fit different people."

The evening is expected to raise more than £1,000 for the Cheney Manor-based charity.

The coalition is committed to ensuring disabled people receive equal opportunities .

The main aim of the group is to highlight the fact that disabled people are people first and disabled second.