Sainsbury'S superstore in Chippenham could expand despite concerns its growth could lead to shoppers parking in quiet residential streets.

J Sainsbury plc wants to boost the supermarket off Bath Road by more than 1,000 sq m from 5,923 to 7,101 sq m to improve facilities for customers.

The extensions would mainly be to the eastern side of the building, with some expansion to the front.

Alterations to the car parking and servicing areas are also planned.

North Wiltshire District Council planners have recommended the plans be approved if Sainsbury's agrees to pay for improvements to pedestrian and cycle links.

But Chippenham Town Council wants the scheme thrown out because its members are concerned the 59-space reduction in car parking could force shoppers to park in nearby residential roads.

Chippenham Without Parish Council is also worried the reduction in the service area could lead to lorries waiting in the road.

And it says a two-way traffic system on the western side of the store could cause traffic jams, with other drivers trying to reach the McDonalds store and the nursery.

Wiltshire County Council's highways department is concerned about extra traffic on the A4 roundabout but has agreed a suggested contribution of £75,000 from the superstore would help pay for improvements to cycle and pedestrian access.

A Retail Impact Assessment carried out by Wiltshire County Council suggested the vitality of Corsham and Chippenham town centres would not be affected by the expansion.

A smaller extension was approved in 1996, but never built, but a larger extension was refused in 1998.

The district council's development control committee will consider the planning application on Wednesday.