As part of Word Magic, Wiltshire libraries celebration of reading and writing from September 28 to October 5, the town library is hosting a number of events.

Hen Party will perform The Heart Gallery on October 1 from 8pm to 10pm, The Dandylion Poets will give a recital on October 4 from 8pm to 9.30pm and novelist Angela Huth will be promoting her new book Of Love and Slaughter on October 5 between 7pm and 8.30pm.

The Arthritis Research Campaign is holding a fundraising coffee morning at Marden House on September 27, between 10am and 12pm. Entrance costs £1, which includes a coffee, and there will be a raffle, cake and bring and buy stalls.

The South Wales Baptist Choir will be performing in John Bentley School Hall on September 28 at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £3 and can be bought at the Christian Bookshop, in Phelps Parade, or at the door.

John Bentley School is holding a book fair in the school library for pupils from September 24 to October 1. It will be open from 8.30am to 4.15pm and parents are welcome to browse after school.

The harvest festival will take place in the town hall on September 28 from 7pm. Tickets, which cost £5 for adults and £2.50 for children, include food, drink and entertainment. Anyone with a particular talent they would like to showcase should contact the Rev Bob Kenway.

: Thieves stole all four tyres from a Mitsubishi Pajero parked in Maundrell Road, on the Portmarsh Industrial Estate, at the weekend. The owner checked it on Sunday at 1am, but when he returned the next day it had been jacked up on bricks and the tyres, worth £1,000 in total, had been taken.

The town council has installed a text phone in their offices in Bank House to enable people with hearing impairments to contact the council on (01249) 823175.

Conservative John Ireland, of Avon Close, has become the new town councillor for the North Ward after he was the only candidate to stand. His predecessor, Mark Lavin, resigned due to work commitments.