FORMER Marlborough College pupil James Gray is trying to raise money to help disadvantaged children by running the New York Marathon on November 3.

Mr Gray, 21, is about to start his third year of a real estate management course at the University of the West of England in Bristol.

He ran the London Marathon last year for the charity Get Kids Going.

The charity supplies essential equipment to disabled children, including motorised wheelchairs, sports wheelchairs and computers.

The same charity will benefit from his New York run.

Mr Gray's biggest challenge however, will be raising the minimum sponsorship of £1,600 to cover his flight to the Big Apple and his accommodation costs.

Speaking from his parent's home at Ham, near Marlborough, he said: "I need all the help I can get to raise this amount of money."

But he said he was fairly confident that he would be able to raise the sponsorship money in time.

In the meantime he will be getting into shape for the huge marathon.

He said he had no difficulty in selecting a charity to benefit from his run.

"I just thought Get Kids Going was a smashing charity and well worth supporting.

"I really hope other people think so too and will give generously to help disabled children."

If anyone would like to support Mr Gray in his marathon effort, they can ring him on (01488) 668204.