A SWINDON company has won a £5 million contract to supply the Nigerian Government with the latest in secure document technology.

TSSI employs 50 people at its Groundwell industrial estate HQ and specialises in security technology.

Its fingerprint recognition devices are used in airports and businesses throughout the world.

And it has also developed cutting edge recognition technology.

Its latest contract will help the Nigerian Government keep track of an estimated one million foreign nationals who work in the country.

The TSSI system sees each foreign worker issued with a cards and identity books which are protected by a machine readable security seal.

In addition, the books carry the fingerprint of their bearer. Border police can then use a TSSI fingerprint scanning device to check that individuals are who they say they are and carry the correct documents.

On top of the £5 million cost of buying the system, TSSI is expecting to attract a £2 million annual revenue for maintaining it.

Company chairman Ken Gray said: "Our secure identification business is increasingly being recognised as the leading provider of specialist high-security products and systems. This is another major systems win based on what our world-leading fingerprint and secure magnetic technology."

Although the contract will not lead to new jobs in Swindon it should help safeguard the company's future.

Earlier this year TSSI was awarded the contract to provide smart-card technology to identify NHS doctors who move from hospital.

TSSI's main business is finger-print entry systems, sales of which have quadrupled over the last year.