The River Valley Trust will be holding a large indoor market and hobbies and collections exhibition on Saturday, October 12, from 10am to 4pm.

Stalls cost £20 per table. So far 44 stalls have been booked for crafts, small antiques, books, photographs and prints, paintings and plants. The event is attracting stallholders from Trowbridge, Cirencester and Swindon. For more information ring (01666) 823796.

An October Occasion will be held on Saturday October 5 at Crudwell Village Hall from 2pm to 4pm. Entrance is free and there will be stalls selling an array of cakes, sweets, plants and books as well as a tombola. The funds raised will be given to charities and the village organisation.

The Oxford Practice will be holding two Sunday homeopathy workshops for beginners on October 20 and November 10. The course will include homeopathy history and principles, remedies for accidents and first aid as well as other remedies. The cost of the course is £30 and bookings can be made on (01666) 824560.

Damage of £70 was done to an Austin Maestro car parked on Lea Crescent, off Swindon Road, when a vandal slashed two of its tyres. The damage was inflicted between 7pm last Saturday and 12.20am on Sunday. Anyone with information about the offence should ring Malmesbury police on (01666) 822222.

Vandals smashed a window of a car parked in Alexander Road between 2.30pm and 5.15pm on Monday, causing £150 damage.

Orange paint was thrown on a door of a Volkswagon Polo car parked in Hudson Road over the weekend, causing £20 damage.