Part-time college courses could lead to romance and new friendships, according to a new survey.

This week Wiltshire College will open its doors to thousands of new part-time students, enrolled on one of 1,600 courses.

But there is still time to sign up and join more than 16,000 people learning something new this term.

The survey was undertaken by the Learning and Skills Council, and 96 per cent of adults questioned believed that learning could lead to new friendships and opportunities.

Part time courses came second only to the pub as the best venues for meeting new friends and partners, according to the survey conducted by ICM Research Ltd.

Television agony aunt Denise Robertson said the findings were no surprise. "For years I've been recommending people who felt in need of friendship to pursue a part time study," she said.

"It's a great way to meet like-minded people and an outside interest brings a fresh dimension to our personality, making us more fulfilled and therefore attractive. You may find true love through learning, you'll certainly broaden your circle of friends."

Foreign languages proved the most popular courses, closely followed by computing and internet skills, then learning a new hobby such as cookery, massage or art.

Courses at Wiltshire College cover a wide range of subjects from art, design and craft, to animal care, beauty, floristry, holistic therapies and photography as well as academic courses leading to examinations.

"We have a complete mix of part time students from all backgrounds and of all ages," said a spokesman.

Information about courses is available on (01249) 465365 or (01225) 756264.