THE threat of closure hangs over the Safer Swindon Shop when funding runs dry at the end of next month.

The one-stop advice point in Havelock Street, which operates in partnership with Swindon Council, has helped more than 3,000 residents since it opened two years ago.

But its two-year funding, which has come from a Home Office grant, expires on November 1.

Swindon Council is currently in negotiation with the Legal Services Commission, the Home Office, the Swindon and Marlborough NHS Trust and Swindon Learning Partnership to secure enough funding to keep the shop running for another year.

Members of the council's cabinet will discuss the outcome of talks and future funding at their meeting on Wednesday, October 16.

The shop, which employs four staff, offers support and advice on many issues including crime prevention, fire safety and consumer welfare.

And once a week a fire safety officer and police officer visit to meet residents and dispense advice in person.

Manager Jean Goncalves said: "We have just started a consumer advice pilot scheme, which is proving popular.

"I would like to think we offer an invaluable service to the community on a range of issues."

In addition to free and confidential advice, the shop also acts as a 'signpost' pointing residents in the direction of other agencies like Age Concern and Victim Support.

Coun Barrie Thompson (Lab, Parks), lead member for community and equalities, said: "The Safer Swindon Shop has provided a much-needed service to the people of the town.

"The number of people using the shop has dramatically increased during the past few months, especially given the new consumer advice point. I was confident the service it provided was a service that the people of Swindon wanted and that has been proved the case.

"I am reasonably confident that funding will be found to allow the shop to continue for a further period."

Swindon Council spokeswoman Hellen Barnes added: "The funding for the shop runs out at the beginning of November.

"We are currently working with partners and the council is confident it will be able to secure funding for the next year. We hope to have further news shortly."

n Call the Safer Swindon Shop on 525114 for details or phone Swindon 525387 for consumer advice.