WILTSHIRE youngsters who have to look after adults have written to Tony Blair about the problems they face as young carers.

Wiltshire Young Carers' Forum wrote to the prime minister to tell him about their concerns, particularly over how their school life is affected.

Now their suggestions to make life easier could become part of Government policy.

Anxious to help other young people like themselves, they asked how they could be included in the National Carers' Strategy Implementation in Schools.

Mr Blair passed the letter on to Ian Thompson in the Department of Education and Employment.

Impressed by what they wrote, Mr Thompson, of the Schools Attendance and Disadvantaged Pupils Team, travelled to Wiltshire to meet eight young carers from Trowbridge, Swindon, Devizes and Pewsey.

At a lunch in Devizes he said: "Every child deserves the best chance at school."

More than 400 young carers have been identified in Wiltshire and Swindon.

Alison Perry, who coordinates Wiltshire Young Carers, said: "All new teachers now learn about young carers within their training and hopefully existing teachers will hear about the problem at teaching training days.

"The young people found it really useful talking to Ian Thompson.

"They were pleased that he took the time to come along and speak to them."