PASSENGERS travelling to Cheltenham and Gloucester from Swindon are to get four extra services each day during the winter.

First Great Western and Wessex trains announced today they would be laying on the trains after concerns at a reduction in services compared to the summer timetable.

In addition to the Swindon-based company's high-speed train services between Chelten-ham Spa and Gloucester and London Paddington, four extra trains have been added to the new timetable, published this Sunday.

Passengers will have three extra services each day to Gloucester, two of which continue to Cheltenham, starting at 3.02pm.

An additional service from Gloucester leaves at 7.01pm.

The services cover commuter and evening services, which are not part of the minimum levels of service laid down by privatisation.

Elaine Holt, First Great Western's director and general manager, said: "Many customers have raised concerns about the planned reduction in services.

"We hope these extra trains will allay any concerns about the level of service proposed in the new timetable.

"Our aim is to provide a better service for commuters who use our trains."