BUDDING police officers beat a path to Broad Green Community Centre to attend one of a series of police recruitment evenings.

More than 60 people attended the two-hour session aimed at providing potential applicants with an insight into the qualities needed to become a police officer.

Wiltshire Constabulary's positive action officer, Sergeant Christian Lange, said: "Essentially we are here tonight to allow people to take a good look at what joining Wiltshire Constabulary is all about.

"There are so many different career paths and opportunities with the police, so this is a way of showing potential police officers what we have to offer."

The session started with an introduction to police work, followed by an outline of the typical day in the life of an officer.

And during a video presentation, featuring a road accident, the audience was asked to suggest possible courses of action while the tape was paused.

After the meeting Sgt Lange said: "It was a very successful event. We had about 42 people take away recruitment packs, of these, about half were interested in becoming special constables."

Wiltshire constabulary employs more than 1,100 police officers and 180 special constables.

For more information contact the recruitment department of Wiltshire Constabulary on 01380 722341.