I HAVE been following what appears to be a countdown to a Government takeover of the SBC's affairs with interest. There appears to be a feeling among some councillors that this would be advantageous, as extra resources would be put in to remedy the problems in service provision.

The last time the council faced this situation was when the Labour group refused to make a rate and only capitulated at the 11th hour. We came within hours of having a commissioner sent in!

It was made very clear to me, in private conversations with the ministry, who were trying to avoid a takeover, that this would involve heavy costs falling on the ratepayers. In other words, all costs incurred by the Government would be recovered from the council.

The only losers in this sad saga of bungling will be the staff, many of whom are likely to face redundancy particularly if all or most of the senior management are replaced and the ratepayers, who face increased charges.

David M Kent

Broome Manor
