I WRITE in reply to Go to Utopia (Letters, September 27). The readers of the Wiltshire Times are all over the country it appears. A letter from Pembrokeshire.

Well, for Mr Andrew C Lye's information I did stand for election for council with no party backing and achieved an impressive amount of votes considering.

As for him saying I'm negative, well everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Also I'm not looking for Utopia but just for the basic standards of every growing town.

Perhaps it is you Mr Andrew C Lye who is living in Utopia expecting the average day working man to have a spare million pounds to give away.

I wish I had a million pounds because I would invest the money in creating a better environment for everyone. As for calling it the Andrew Hungerford Cinema is saying that I'm the only person who wants a cinema. Look at the petitions the people have signed then call it the people's cinema.

Andrew John Hungerford,

Rambler Close,
