I WOULD like the opportunity to reply to James Berrett-Downs's letter of September 27.

My objection is that Trowbridge full-time fire fighters used a charity fundraising event to promote their union and pay claim, which, by the way, may lead to strike action endangering the public.

I, as any thinking person would be, am fully aware of the events of September 11 and the part played by the New York fire fighters, police and other services.

I do however wonder at the necessity of including this in response to a letter criticising the use of a charity fund raising event to promote a pay claim.

Is James Berrett-Downs suggesting that Trowbridge full-time fire fighters are basking in their reflected glory? Trowbridge full-time fire fighters must examine their own consciences and answer for themselves as to the last occasion they headed the Trowbridge Carnival procession.

His statement: "whole time fire fighters do not seek attention by leading carnivals" is something of a contradiction. What were they doing if not seeking attention for their pay claim? Presumably they do not participate in carnivals unless it suits their purpose.

He also states "their job is 24 hours a day 365 days a year". As far as I am aware full-time fire fighters work a shift system as do the police and ambulance services, which also provide a 24-hour service.

I wonder if James Berrett-Downs sees the irony in the fact that possible strike action by members of the Fire Brigade Union poses a threat to the carnivals on the West Country circuit?

(Name and Address supplied).