A TOWN poll looks set to give people in Trowbridge the chance to decide the fate of the Civic Hall and the town's park.

Conservative district councillor Graham Payne is calling for a town referendum to gauge the views of people in the county town.

Cllr Payne said the original covenant, which gave the park to the town, requires that if anything is taken away from it the people should get something as good or better in return and within the area.

Cllr Payne said a public meeting of 10 parishioners is all that is needed to require the town council to hold a town poll.

"The question asked will be whether people are in favour of selling, giving away or exchanging any part of Trowbridge Park and the Civic Hall," he said.

"A referendum will give us the views of the town once and for all.

"There are so many people who are upset about what is going on and who feel they are not being consulted. Anything that happens should be for the long term benefit of the residents of the town."

The Civic Hall and park are two places included within the area subject to the Vision for Trowbridge project being spearheaded by West Wiltshire District Council.

The possibility of replacing the Civic Hall, and losing a small area of the park, was one of the examples of things which could be included in the scheme.