WITH the anticipated rise, yet again, in council tax this year I feel it may be time to question what value for money we get for which for most people is a considerable amount.

Nearly every road in Trowbridge, and many surrounding areas, are in a bad state of repair, many footpaths are in a dangerous state having been dug up numerous times by the electricity board, the gas board (or whoever they call themselves these days) and worst of all, the cable TV company. All these works appear to have only been repaired on a temporary basis with, in some places, patches on top of patches.

There are areas of Trowbridge that look like the result of the Blitz in the Second World War, there do not appear to be enough police on our streets and in some areas street lighting is inadequate. Derelict, empty buildings abound.

I would like to know where all the money is going as it certainly does not appear to be reaching the areas that need it.

How much longer will we be viewed as an endless supply of revenue that, to all intents and purposes, appears to be wasted.


Paxcroft Way,
