There's a sad fascination in observing that the annual council tax hikes have now become so certain that letters appear in advance of the event.

As one who likes to travel by rail from time to time, Cllr David Lovell's letter on February 21 did, however, make me feel better. If you qualify for them the simplest way is to be of state pensionable age receiving vouchers for senior railcards at £18 each for a couple is equivalent, in very round terms, to some three per cent off your bill, plus the actual saving whenever you travel. Thank you Cllr Lovell and the Wiltshire Times.

The number again for the travel concessions office is (01225) 770380.

If that doesn't make enough folk feel a whole lot better, one wonders if we might see Tax protesters appearing peacefully of course with placards outside County Hall.

Although the local authorities seem bent on developing certain green spaces come what may, the Hilperton Gap protests at least showed a point of view can be made quite forcibly.

Philip Fowler,

Victoria Road,
