PLANS are being drawn up to give Warminster a vision for the future, including measures to ease congestion and promote commercial growth.

Richard Haes, 56, is working on a plan to reduce traffic in the town centre, help trade and make the area more pedestrian friendly.

His vision includes a relief road to run alongside the railway, cycleways and the improvement of amenities.

Mr Haes, head of Warminster Civic Trust's planning committee, said: "At the moment I'm the driving force behind the project. I'm keen to start the ball rolling.

"I keep hearing the phrase 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' but we have to have a long term view."

Mr Haes wants civic leaders to safeguard land for the proposals before the new district plan is drawn up next year. He is also calling for the appointment of a town manager.

He said: "Any changes may not happen for 10 to 20 years but if suitable areas are developed it will be too late."

Last month civic leaders were furious when the town lost £135,000-worth of improvements because of protests against the plans.

Mr Haes hopes meetings involving residents, the town council, chamber of commerce, civic trust, West Wiltshire District Council and Action for Warminster will generate more ideas.