I WOULD like to correct the statements made by Cllr March in a local paper last week.

It is a great pity that a well-respected member of the community feels he has to play party politics with the town and district council elections due in May.

He talks of the excellent Conservative led county council that has kept its tax increases to a minimum whilst maintaining its services, unlike the district council. Wrong Cllr March!

In fact Wiltshire County Council has demanded a rise of 10.8 per cent, whereas the district council have kept their rise down to 4.5 per cent.

Maintaining county council services? Look at the state of our roads, the reduced extent of gritting in icy weather, the maintenance of highway hedgerows, the unmanned police stations and the resulting voluntary supervision of CCTV set ups in our towns to help fight crime, the fire stations manned with retained fire fighters the list can go on and on.

We are in fact paying county more for less!

Many of your readers will not have forgotten that it was the marvellous Maggie who brought in the 'poll tax' (now council tax) in the first place. The biggest Tory tax hike ever, when elements of the population rioted.

So, instead of incorrectly expounding the virtues of the county council may I suggest he asks why as a member of the Conservative group of the town council he recently lost between £150-200,000 on funding essential town centre enhancements, together with abortive public consultation costs.

The Civic Trust also confirmed this position in their recent newsletter.

The people of Warminster must insist on our elected members putting the town first and politics second, at all times.