I hear that Swindon councillors are to increase their allowances by up to 43 per cent. May I remind them that we, the electorate, should have a say in what, if any, increase they receive. Are not all employees answerable to their employers?

Yes, you may be the least paid in the West but just look at the cock-ups you have made. Successive Labour councils have blamed the previous. Obviously you are just too incompetent to run this borough. I say go back in time when the businessmen of this borough ran the show.

The leader will receive £15,000, should this come to pass. How many people would relish such a pay packet? Also, will it not send the wrong message to those who would just look at the money and not the position of responsibility?

Kevin Small also stated that the council put in a certain number of hours. For goodness' sake, it's your choice, if you are not happy with doing so you have the option to leave, but with £15,000 on offer, who would?

I would like to see this borough run full time by councillors of a professional nature and not some amateurs who could not build a sandcastle in a desert.

Trevor Wilson

Langford Grove

Old Walcot
