MANY readers will want to applaud David Messenger, the headmaster of Windmill Hill Primary School (EA, February 17) for withdrawing his school from the Swindon Junior Music Festival on account of the pro-EU songs that his children would be expected to sing. It is to be hoped that the heads of more schools will follow his example.

In my view it would be objectionable for the festival to allow such politically driven lyrics to be introduced if they were of good quality but, to allow such tacky lyrics as the ones reported in last Monday's paper compounds the offence.

One wonders whether the Swindon Music Centre or perhaps the Local Education Authority is in receipt of some form EU grant we should be told.

Our political masters often tell us that we live in a multicultural society. Very well then, why could we not replace these contentious songs with songs that reflect English culture?

There are, after all, many beautiful traditional English songs from which to choose and it is my hope that the festival organisers will choose some of these in place of the offending songs.

Adrian L Romilly

